Do you want to know GM Jinzo?

Another interview was conducted to GM Jinzo, the handsome and hardworking game master of Neosteam. CM Bubbles conducted an interview with him. I did this interview just to grant the request of the steamers.

Here is our conversation……

CM Bubbles: Hi! Gm Jinzo, how is being a GM?

GM Jinzo: Great! Being a GM of Neosteam is the best job in the planet. I won’t exchange the Neosteam community to anything else.

CM Bubbles: I see. According to them, you are the most hardworking and most handsome GM of Neosteam, what is your reaction about it?

GM Jinzo: It’s not fair to say that I’m the most hardworking among all the GMs of Neosteam. All of us work hard to give the best for our gamers. We share the same goal of working hard for all the steamers. Maybe the most handsome, yes, but that’s only “maybe” haha.

CM Bubbles: Really humble there :P. So what would be the task of a GM like you?

GM Jinzo: Well basically, we handle customer service for the game. We handle the game events and we also help test bugs for the game. Being a GM is really hard, but rewarding at the same time

CM Bubbles: What characteristics do you think is your edge among all the GMs regarding popularity?

GM Jinzo: Hmm… I think people recognize me more because my name is short and easy to understand. Plus, I handle most of the events, especially for Rogwel that’s why people recognize me more than the other GM. Maybe I’m also the most handsome GM around, but that’s just a “maybe”.

CM Bubbles: I really like your modesty there :P. Do you think that you are worthy to be a GM?

GM Jinzo: Well, the people could answer this for me. *wink*

CM Bubbles: Enough about game questions, lets talk about the real Jinzo.

GM Jinzo: Wait, I’ll call the other half of myself :P

CM Bubbles: I heard that you have dated CM Gailardia, what can you say about it?

GM Jinzo: Wait a minute, where did you get that information???

CM Bubbles: I have sources XD. So where did you date her and why?

GM Jinzo: >.<. It was just a friendly date, to know more about her. About the details, it’s a SECRET! :P

CM Bubbles: Do you court her?

GM Jinzo: NO. (Jinzo is not looking straight into my eyes)

CM Bubbles: If not? Why did you date her?

GM Jinzo: T_T. It was just a friendly date…. T_T

CM Bubbles: Ok, ok I believe you already. For the last question, any words to all the steamers out there?

GM Jinzo: Play hard but study harder. Sometimes we forget about everything once we start playing. Education is the best thing that you can get.

There you have it, my interview with GM Jinzo…Thank you for reading…

Watch out for a lot more about other GM’s of Neosteam

After a tiring week, the "heavenly" body of Bubbles gave up. I've been sick for like 2 days already, but hopefully I could be better this week :P. Give some inspiration for me to work guys, I really need it XD.

Anyways, good job at Conflict guys! Show Elerds who's the boss XD (Just kidding Elerds), give me feedbacks regarding this event (even elerds are welcome). I'll try to satisfy your needs in game (no perverts allowed, ok? XD)

Another thing, please join our "Star Writer" event. We would like to read your blogs and share it with everyone! Who knows, your articles will be posted in the front page of neosteam site and be popular :P

Till next time guys! Watch out for my interview with Jinzo, the GM who broke my heart XD

The story goes this way, Jinzo and I meet at Rope Isle accidentally.I have a secret feelings with him for a long time until now.I love him with all my heart and soul. And I heard that he dated Gailardia and it hurt me so much. But even though I know about it, I still have a power to say him about my feelings. It is very hard to love someone who have someone owns his heart.

There you have it guys!!!my in game love story...

I was having my coffee break one day when I chanced to see one of the most famoust Game Master of Neosteam - GM Ouranus. I hurriedly transferred to his table and asked questions right away! XD. He was too shy to show his face (eventhough I find him one of the most attractive guy around XD) so I just asked the other CM (CM Gailardia) to take screenshots of them together, since I'm from the other nation :(. Here's my interview with GM Ouranus:

CM Bubbles: So how is being a Game Master?

GM Ouranus: It's a pleasure to be one of the Game Masters of Neosteam. I can also say that I'm proud to be part of a great game with a great team. Neosteam has a nice and friendly community with lots of active cool gamers so, being a GM is worth it.

CM Bubbles: Describe a Game Master in one word

GM Ouranus: COOL

CM Bubbles: So you consider yourself COOL?

GM Ouranus: Well technically... since I'm one the Game Masters... so yes :P

CM Bubbles: Haha. People also want to know this. What is really the role of a GM in any game?

GM Ouranus: Basically, GMs are the authorities in a game wherein they implement rules and regulations to be followed. Some people thinks that being a GM grants you "Immortality" or "God Mode" powers which is really wrong. GMs are just "servants" to our customers. We are just there to regulate the game, hold events and make sure our customers are happy with our services.

CM Bubbles: Well said there. So in relation to your answer, what is your best and worst experience as a GM?

GM Ouranus: The best part? I can spy on people! Haha! Just kidding. The best part of being a GM is when you can satisfy them with what you do. When people says "GM, you are so cool!" or just simply "Thank you", I already feel like I'm in heaven. About the worst part, maybe when people don't realize that being a GM is hard and they'll start to curse you etc etc. It's annoying, actually.

CM Bubbles: How do you handle those kind of people?

GM Ouranus: As the saying goes, "the customer is always right". We can't complain since it's our duty to satisfy them. What I usually do is to try to listen first to them and try to be as polite as possible. Actually, I already got used listening to some vulgar players XD

CM Bubbles: That must be really hard... Enough with work questions. Let's get personal! XD

GM Ouranus: 0.o

CM Bubbles: When you have no work, what do you usually do?

GM Ouranus: I usually go to mall and have time for my self and buy things that are part of my necessities and spend some time with my girl.

CM Bubbles: Oh, already taken :( haha. What are your likes and dislikes?

GM Ouranus: I love playing badminton, bowling and surfing the net. I also like playing acoustic guitar. About my dislikes... I just don't like rainy days.

CM Bubbles: How can you relate your personality to the personality of GM Ouranus?

GM Ouranus: Basically, Ouranus and me have the same personality. What I do in game and how I talk to people is just the same. I don't like creating other personalities.

CM Bubbles: If you are going to choose, what race will you be and why?

GM Ouranus: If I were to choose, I'll still choose Elerd Kingdom and be one of the Elves. They are really cool looking, and sexy... XD

CM Bubbles: 0.o.. I'll tell your loved one that you fantasizes elves

GM Ouranus: She won't believe you haha!

CM Bubbles: Finally, any message to all steamers out there?

GM Ouranus: Respect and equality. It's self explanatory.

There you have it guys, GM Ouranus, one of the coolest GM of Neosteam!

Whoa! I finally got my own space, meaning... my OWN space haha. More interesting articles here so stay tuned! :P